Michif Phrases – Food

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Modern Phrases

The mission had cows that allowed to drink milk.

Alimision ke-a-yawiwak mohtoshwa, kwayes di-let nikiminihkwanan

They made a lot of canned fruits
long ago.

kwa-yes meen-sap-poy ke-ositawak

We ate lots of bread when we were at the mission.

Kway-yes li pan niki-moo-wa-nan ta li shool-li-pare ka key ya ya.

People eat a lot of canned food.

Ta-le cun mecowin kwayes aysenowak osci metso-wuk.

We use rice for making soup.

Le ree n-dap-put-tsi-hanan la soup

Traditional Phrases

Bannock is easy to make.

Weh-tsu-sin La Gullet tao-sihi.

Christmas pudding cake tastes good.

ka nepa-yumiha la potsin wehkitsoo.

My mom would make fish patties.

Ni mama mana li frukasee eki osi-tat.

I used to make pemmican using an

La tsit-hash niki upucitan o-way-ya-hik-anak kaki osi-huk-wow

We ate a lot of smoked meat when I was young.

Kway-yes pastew-oyas niki-metsinan kaki-oska-yo-yan.